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Grow Your Self Podcast
Published June 18, 2024 by Nicole Burke

The Most Underrated Plant in the Garden

Filed Under:
easy plant to grow
beginner gardener
beginner garden

Everyone Can & Should Grow This Super Easy Vegetable

If you don't grow anything else for yourself this year, you've got to grow this one plant. I call it the most underrated plant in the garden. And don't worry—you can grow it even if you've never gardened before.

Let me tell you about this plant and see if I can convince you to try it out. Just for fun, you can also try to guess as we go along!

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can you guess this easy vegetable to grow?

Hint #1: This Plant Is Easy to Grow from Seed

It doesn't cost a lot of money to grow a plant from seed because you can buy little packets filled with at least 30 or so seeds for a couple bucks. So we're talking 20 to 30 plants (at least) in your garden from one inexpensive seed packet.

You can plant these seeds directly in the garden. You don't have to start them indoors. You don't need grow lights or heat mats or fans.

It's actually best to sow these seeds right where you want them to grow. So pop them in the soil, and boom! You'll have growth in just a couple of days.

New Year Seed System by Gardenary

Grow alongside Gardenary this year with our favorite cool season seeds for the garden. This system includes 25 seed packets. Most seeds are certified USDA organic and non-GMO and include detailed instructions for how to plant, tend, and harvest your fall plants.
Shop Over 75 Varieties of Seeds for Your Garden

The 2025 Gardenary Seed Collection is LIVE!

Shop the entire collection now and get FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50!

Hint #2: This Plant Doesn't Take Up Much Space

This easy plant will grow in a little pot or in an itty bitty space along the edge of your raised bed. You can even pack it into a container that's already filled with other big plants. I use it to fill empty spaces in my raised garden beds. It's super flexible when it comes to space. It's not like my teenage daughters, who each say they need their own bedroom and bathroom, okay?

can you guess this easy vegetable to grow outdoors?

Hint #3: This Low-Maintenance Plant Requires Little Tending

Once you plant the seeds, all you have to do is water this plant. You don't have to trellis or prune it or fertilize it. Seriously, all you have to do is keep it watered, especially for the first 2 weeks while it's sprouting. After that, it's mostly self-sufficient. You can sit back and watch it grow and grow.

It's the lowest of low-maintenance plants.

Hint #4: This Easy Vegetable Benefits Nearby Plants

If that weren't enough, this plant also benefits neighboring plants by fixing nitrogen in the soil. So while it's busy creating food for you, it's also feeding all your other leaves, roots, and fruits!

Are you ready to grow this underrated plant yet, or should I keep going?

can you guess this low-maintenance plant for your garden?

Hint #5: This Plant Produces a Lot of Food for You

This plant goes from seed to harvest in just 60 days. We're talking harvesting just two months from the moment you pop those seeds in the soil.

And the food that you'll harvest will taste so much better than the version you get from the grocery store. I'm sad to say I've thrown out a lot of this store-bought produce because it goes bad so quickly. When you can enjoy it fresh from the garden, oh my goodness, it's so delicious and crunchy. You can eat your harvest raw or you can cook it—either way, it'll be a treat!

can you guess the easiest plant to grow in the garden?

Hint #6: This Plant Is Super Nutritious

Not only does the produce from this plant taste so good, it's also really good for you. It's packed with protein. If you're looking to add more plant-based protein to your diet, this is the plant for you. Imagine filling your body up with protein each day from this plant that you're growing yourself!

It also has a lot of fiber, and you've probably heard that we could all use more fiber. Fiber is key to digestion and even preventing or managing diabetes.

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Are you in yet?

Have you guessed what the most underrated plant in the kitchen garden is?

bush beans are the easiest vegetable to grow

It's Bush Beans!

That's right—the typical green bean your mom made you eat when you were growing up. But maybe you hated it back then because it came from a can. These are green beans you're actually going to want to eat.

Every single one of us can be growing our own green beans when we're enjoying warm weather. There's a reason that preschool kids grow beans as part of their science experiments, right? It's pretty much a sure thing that they're going to get a root and shoot and then quickly watch those turn into a full-grown plant.

If you're new to gardening, feeling discouraged after several fails, or too busy to garden, you've got to try growing your own bush beans. It may seem like such a small thing, but I'm serious. You'll get a harvest and feel so successful after just two months of giving these plants minimal care—and all in very little space. When one plant is done, you can plant another one in its place. It'll benefit your garden and you.

Learn more about growing your own beans in this guide, and download our free Garden Calendar to learn more about when you can plant your own beans.

Never Miss a Planting Date Again!

Know exactly what and when to grow, no matter where you live. Get the exact dates for planting your 2025 kitchen garden when you download your free Garden Calendar.
The Most Underrated Plant in the Garden