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Kitchen Garden Revival
Published February 13, 2020 by Nicole Burke

Myquillyn Smith Reviews Kitchen Garden Revival

Filed Under:
book review
garden book
Myquillyn Smith of Nester
plant decorator

An absolutely delightful read! Everything you'll ever need for creating your own kitchen garden including motivation and inspiration. Nicole makes gardening approachable and fun no matter what color your thumbs are.

Myquillyn Smith
Inviting front porch with plants

Myquillyn Smith (The Nester) has never met a home she didn't love.

She and her husband and their three boys have been fixing up their North Carolina fixer-upper for the past seven years, and her favorite place on Earth is floating in the pool in her own backyard.

She's the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Cozy Minimalist Home and The Nesting Place.

I've followed Myquillyn for years, even before she shared her actual name on the internet!

As a young mom on a limited budget who was also moving from place to place, I found so much comfort in Myquillyn's philosophy:

It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.

Myquillyn has a minimalist perspective when it comes to design, and yet she creates spaces that make you feel cozy and right at home.

Her ideas to "quiet the room" and "shop the house" have inspired me to always make the most of what I have without longing for something beyond my reach.

photo thumbnails for Nesting Place
plant decorator

It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.

Myquillyn Smith, author of Cozy Minimalist and The Nesting Place
overhead view of plants and slippered feet

In the fall of 2016, I got to travel to North Carolina to meet Myquillyn and work in her kitchen garden as part of her incredible Nest Fest.

Jason and I worked in a quick 24 hours to transform her cute rustic kitchen garden into a magical salad garden filled with kales, lettuces, onions, chives, and more.

We partnered with Good Dirt to make the kitchen garden magic happen and had everything set up just in time for the Nest Fest.

It was one of my favorite things that year.

It was a pinch-me moment when Myquillyn agreed to review my new book, Kitchen Garden Revival.

My favorite part was not her actual endorsement, but what she wrote in her personal note to me.

(Hopefully it's okay to share that too!)

plant decorator

Nicole, I am SO thrilled and impressed with this book. I know how intense it is to write all the words, then have to take step-by-step photos also for your book, and GIRL, this is so fantastic! WAY TO GO! A great read, you are a great writer, I cannot wait to get my hands on the real thing!

Myquillyn Smith, author of Cozy Minimalist

If Myquillyn loved the book, I'm sure you will too.

Thanks for bringing back the kitchen garden with me and being part of this movement.

Kitchen Garden Revival by Nicole Johnsey Burke

Join the Kitchen Garden Revival

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