Grow Your Self with Nicole Burke

Surprising stories about how the food you eat every day ended up on your plate, plus helpful tips so you can start growing some of your own herbs, salad, and vegetables at home, no matter your space or time limitations.

The Grow Your Self podcast is about gardening... but it's also about so much more than that. Every time we plant a seed or dig into the dirt or harvest something we've nurtured for months and months, we're not just growing a garden. We are literally growing ourselves. The changes that happen in the garden are reflected right here inside of us and in the community that we grow and thrive in.

Hosted by Nicole Burke, owner of Rooted Garden and Gardenary Inc., Grow Your Self will wake you up to the wonder that's sitting on your plate and inspire you to change your life by growing in a garden of your very own.

Listen to the Season 2 Trailer

The Grow Your Self podcast is back and better than ever! In Season 2, you are going to learn so much about how to grow all your favorite leaves, roots, and fruit!
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Just finished listening to episode 50 - living a garden centered year. One of my favorites so far! Great way to end this year and ideas for next year. Thank you!

MariselaRB - 12/30/2020
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Love the podcasts on a specific vegetable/plant. Great details! I love hearing the history and then learning how to grow and eat it!

jnjohnson3 - 10/29/2020

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