Get Yours Before They Sell Out!


Get The Container Herb Garden

Get everything you need to grow herbs this summer, and for many seasons to come!

⚠️ Only 225 Kits In Stock - Get Yours Before They Sell Out!

Did you know most herbs are processed, packaged, trucked, and sold, only to be tossed in the trash because they spoil before we can use them?



About 95 percent of our culinary herbs here in the US come to us from just a few places, mostly farms in California. They're trucked across the country in little jars or plastic containers that then hang out on grocery store shelves.

They sell for $3 to $4 for about 0.2 ounces of herbs, dried or fresh. We're talking very little product for a lot of money and a lot of production to bring them to an aisle near you.

You spend your hard-earned money, bring those herbs home, and then probably let them sit in your fridge for the next few days.

By the time you open up that package, your herbs have grown moldy because they got a little too moist in your fridge or they've shriveled up or they've lost so much of their characteristic flavor and aroma.

Those herbs head straight to the trash or they disappoint you by not delivering on your expectations. Even if—best case scenario—your herbs are still usable, they may not be as useful as those chefs on Instagram promised you they'd be.

But don't worry!

I have a solution! 🙋‍♀️


The Container Herb Garden

Growing your own herbs is the simplest, most straightforward thing that you can do.

People who live in high-rise apartments, people who have very little sunlight, people who have very little space, people who've never gardened before—all these people can grow their own herbs.

So nothing can stop you from trying this out this summer!

3 Reasons To Get The Container Herb Garden & Grow Your Herbs

They are the easiest to grow in the garden.

They will save you a LOT of money!

You can start even with a tiny space and get lots of herbs!

What's Included

$50 Value

Galvanized Stainless Steel planter with 5 drainage holes and a drainage tray

$35 Value

Herb Plant Tags

$35 Value

Flower and Fruit Snips

$15 Value

Herb Scissors

$20 Value

Gardenary Herb Seed System: Basil, Cilantro, Peppermint and Sage seeds

Plus, You'll Get These Bonuses

$67 Value

Herb Garden Guide Course

Learn the step-by-step process so that you know exactly how to grow all the culinary herbs you love right in your very own space.

$67 Value

Year-Round Herb Harvests

Access our process to preserve your herbs for year round enjoyment.

$7 Value

Herb Garden Guide Ebook

In this instantly downloadable ebook, you'll learn all about the main herb plant families, and how to plant it full of delicious, organic herbs for fresh harvests.