Free Workshop
Beginner Gardening Workshop
In this class, you'll learn the exact system you need to finally understand the garden, even if you have little or no gardening experience.

Choose Your Schedule
This Is What You'll Learn
Understand why you haven’t had success in the garden yet and how to change your luck in the garden.
Learn how plants work and how to match their needs with your resources.
Get a checklist of exactly how to start seeing success in growing your own food right away.
Let this be the year you go from #plantkiller to #greenthumb
I'll teach you the first (and only) 3 steps you need to take to make the garden part of your every day life-even if you're busy or you've never successfully grown a thing before.

This Workshop Is For You If

You Are Just Starting Out
You are ready to go from plant-killer to green thumb. Nicole will share with you the exact path to go from not having experience at all to succeeding in the garden one step at a time.

You Are Frustrated
You are frustrated with failures and questions in the garden. Nicole will show you why you had trouble and help prevent for it from happening again.

You Are Overwhelmed
You are overwhelmed with all the choices and aren’t sure of what to grow this season. Nicole teaches you how to match your resources to the right plants.
Hey there!
I'm Nicole Burke
Mom of 4, home gardener, dog lover, and published author. Founder of Rooted Garden, Inc. and Gardenary, Inc. - on a mission to help everyone have a kitchen garden.